We must save our world now.I believe it is everyone's primary
responsibility to become actively involved in any way we can to halt,and
then reverse,the wanton destruction of this beatiful world we call
home.The evidence is clear,even to the most sceptical,that us humans are
primarily guilty of causing global warming.Please, let's all write the
history of how we saved OUR PLANET! It has been suggested that if we
planted forests all up the west coast of Ireland they could absorb some
of the rain from the atlantic and provide timber and fuel as well.We
must demand more intelligence,imagination and patriotism from
politicians of all parties and none.They get paid enough.The assets
which belong to us Irish people are being plundered and sold by our very
own troika of the biggest political parties in Ireland. A good site to visit might be- www.mnn.com
mother nature news, covering various and interesting topics and issues.We are all sovereign,with sovereign rights and responsibilities,no matter who think they have power over us.
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